Korubo or Korubu is the name given to a tribe of indigenous people living in the lower Javari Valley of the western Amazon Basin. The group calls themselves 'Dslala', and in Portuguese they are referred to as caceteiros (clubbers). Much of what the outside world knows of this group is based on the research of Brazilian explorer Sydney Possuelo who first contacted the tribe in October 1996 and journalist Paul Raffaele.
The Korubo are some of the last people on Earth to live in near isolation from modern society although they have on numerous occasions had violent contacts with the surrounding communities.
An offshoot of the group is led by a woman named Maya. This splinter group has around 23 members while the larger group is estimated to have 150 members...more info: Korubo a fight to the end
This documentary gets inside the world of the most fearsome Indians of the Amazonia so called Korubo. The cameras will be able to shoot for the first time the daily life of this secret Brazilian tribe. The gratitude allowed our cameras to shoot their daily life including amazing moments such as the electric fish hunt or enjoying the children's games. A journey to the heart of this people and their fight for survival...read more: Korubo a fight to the end
Their hunting and war weapon of choice is the club, and aside from poison darts they use no other ranged weapons - their workday is about 4-5 hours long, and often live inside large, communal huts called malocas.
They have no known spiritual or religious practices, though they occasionally practice infanticide for unknown reasons.[1] Both men and women paint themselves with a red dye from the roucou plant.
Their diet includes fish, spider monkeys, peccary, birds, wild pig, fruit, manioc and corn. A leading cause of illness and death within the tribe is by malaria. They have some knowledge of agriculture, making clearings for harvests of crops...Their hunting and war weapon of choice is the club, and aside from poison darts they use no other ranged weapons - their workday is about 4-5 hours long, and often live inside large, communal huts called malocas... read more: Korubo a fight to the end